It can be difficult to attain high levels of UGC because it’s hard to get people to participate online. Getting people to like posts is the minimum. Commenting and sharing takes more effort so less people are willing to do this in an online space. Luckily, we have some great tips to create more user generated content in your community!
1. Ask Questions
As a leader in your community, it might be helpful to ask some questions to your members about what kind of content they would like to see. This way, you can gauge some topics to post about and new information to gather. Additionally, by asking for opinions and responses, you are creating new user generated content! People like to be heard, so giving them the chance to give their opinion is a great way to spark conversation.
2. Connect PeopleBreezio has the convenient option to create customizable groups within your online community. People can be grouped by interests, business stream, and more to create smaller hubs within the larger community. Because these are smaller groups with a more focused goal, people are more likely to create content, share important information, and connect with one another.
3. Host Virtual EventsHosting virtual events and conferences is a great opportunity for your members to network. Breezio has several hosting options ranging from video streaming to live discussions. These events will help create user generated content by encouraging conversation and information sharing with new people.
4. Encourage sharing experiencesPeople are more likely to create their own content if they see others doing the same. Encouraging sharing personal experiences is a good move to amp up user generated content. For example, this could be as simple as having a weekly discussion about weekend plans, or starting sub groups that cater to different interests.
5. Engage with Super-UsersSuper-users are members who go above and beyond in online communities through posts, sharing, discussions, comments, etc. They can be really helpful in creating user generated content with others in the community because they encourage participation.
6. GamificationThe Breezio platform offers a special feature to help you boost user generated content. Gamification allows users to earn awards and badges if they interact with the community a certain amount. This is a great motivational approach to boost member engagement!
Overall, increasing user generated content in your online community is something you should prioritize! It is helpful to all members and leaders because it drives communication and interconnectedness. Breezio has several features that help boost UGC, especially in real-time discussion boards. Click here to learn more about Breezio and how we can help your online community!