Association Online Community Advice & Tips | Breezio

The Silver Lining in Moving Business Online During COVID-19

Written by Kristina Toscano | Jun 12, 2020 6:00:00 PM

     Just before the COVID-19 pandemic, businesses were operating as usual with offices and in person communication that was crucial for their business operations. When there was talk of the virus coming to the United States, people were wary, but sure it wouldn’t directly affect them and their jobs. As soon as businesses realized that yes, the coronavirus was here, there was a sense of panic and organized chaos that resulted in most businesses having to move online

     During this time, managers and CEOs alike were unsure of how their businesses would prosper during this forced transition. Throughout the pandemic, we have seen that many businesses were able to accommodate and adapt, while others weren’t very prepared for what was to come. Although this transition has been difficult for everyone, there is a silver lining in looking at the benefits and unforeseen advantages that moving to online business has brought. 

New ways to connect with employees and customers alike 

     Because businesses have to communicate through virtual platforms, there has been an increase in social media use when connecting to their business community. Breezio’s platform does an excellent job in managing and encouraging public posts and user generated content. Through these social outreaches, companies can release social media campaigns, show employee spotlights, and even put out some questionnaires and polls. This new way of communicating with employees and customers humanizes the company and encourages more interaction. 

More educational tools 

     People working from home do not have access to an IT department where they can easily go to ask technical questions, or their desk mate to ask how to perform a business process. Moving businesses online has encouraged the use and creation of more educational tools that allow employees to learn more about their company and advance their skills. These tools have been an important outcome of moving businesses online because people are able to advance their skills at their own convenience. Breezio offers virtual e-Learning tools through the platform that can be accessed at any time by your members. 

Virtual Events 

     The ability to have virtual events has been a critical piece of moving businesses online. People from all over the world can attend your event and hear information they may not have otherwise been able to do if the event were in-person. In another post, we give some tips to help make these events the best they can be in an online setting. Breezio offers a video platform for virtual conferences that allow you to have virtual presentations, chat rooms, and more!

Ability to work from home 

     Lastly, the ability to work from home has been a benefit for many people, especially those who are parents or caretakers. Because schools have been out, many people have found it helpful to have the flexibility to be at home and do their work as opposed to having to go into an office. As seen in one of our previous blog posts, there are many ways people have been adjusting to working from home, and online communities definitely makes it easier!

Ultimately, although this has been a trying experience for everyone all over the world, it can be nice to look at the positives we have seen through the outcomes of this pandemic. Breezio is here to help this transition become even easier for you and your organization, click here to learn more about our online community platform!