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Expert Guide: How to Create an Active Online Community for Your Association

Posted by Karen McCord on Mar 8, 2018 12:13:10 AM

Since first appearing on the scene in the 1800’s, associations have been in a constant state of evolution. While first a means of networking at meetings, conferences and advocacy, the digital world provides an additional way for members to make connections.

Private online member communities allow members to connect, collaborate and share ideas from anywhere in the world through the click of a button. While this is great news for associations, it turns out expanding the traditional association model from solely in-person engagement to one where members can connect, collaborate, and share ideas online isn’t necessarily a straightforward process.

While every association is different, there are a number of universal tips and strategies that can be used to create a high-value and engaging community platform that members want to take part in. If your organization isn’t building a strong community online, you could be missing out on new members and risk losing existing members.

We want to help you create and maintain an active member community. Using the latest research, along with data pulled directly from thriving online communities, we have summarized this information in our ebook, The Association Exec’s Guide to Creating an Active Online Community.

Whether your community is already flourishing or is just getting off the ground, these tips will change the way you view online community management and will teach you strategies that have the potential to be true game-changers for your association.

Following the guidelines in this ebook will put you on the path to:

  • Making your online community a valuable member benefit in your members’ eyes
  • Increasing member participation and collaboration with each other in your community
  • Realizing that your community can be an active digital hub for your association.

What you’ll learn:

8 strategies for creating a high-value online member community

We show you the top ways to make your online community more than just a casual browsing site. Using these strategies, you’ll learn the keys to transform your online community into an essential daily visit that provides value beyond just the yearly conference or quarterly meetings.

How to get more members to participate in your associations online community

Does your association have a relatively new online community? Or maybe you’ve inherited an older community into which you’re trying to breathe new life? Either way, getting to that place of industry-leading engagement and value can feel like a constant uphill battle.

We show you the top 5 proven ways to increase engagement in your association’s online community. From building a culture of trust, to utilizing live events, you’ll be sure to learn new methods that boost member participation.

How to increase engagement & collaboration around your association’s content

In order to understand how to increase engagement and collaboration, you must first understand your members. We delve into the psychology of why members don’t want to engage, then teach you how to combat the underlying factors holding your association back from truly thriving online.

Top community software features to generate member engagement in your association

When you provide members with the tools to engage and collaborate with each other, it can be the secret sauce that allows your community to flourish. We show you the top 3 software features that add value to your organization and increase member engagement.

These top success strategies and ways to implement them are all included in our new ebook, The Association Exec’s Guide to Creating an Active Online Community.

Bringing members together on a consistent basis is not a simple process. By implementing systematic and repeatable community management processes, you have the opportunity to provide the preeminent online destination for members to engage peers, find experts and stay informed about their profession.

Learn how to do all this and more in our free ebook. 

Topics: Community, Engagement, Community Manager

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