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Breezio CEO on Leveraging Community to Grow Non-Dues Revenue

Posted by Kristina Toscano on Feb 3, 2021 10:53:22 AM

Register for Season 2 Actual Disruption WebinarBreezio CEO, Ben Muscolino, was a featured speaker in Association Trends webinar program focusing on the topic of leveraging online communities to grow membership and non-dues revenue. Highlights from the webinar include strategies from non-member prospecting and open community strategies to retargeting, leveraging your AMS and integration strategies. 

Ben went in depth on how to use community data to make better sense of your audience. He explains that there are several ways to utilize your metrics to expand your data usage horizons. Here is a great graphic from his presentation Ben used to explain the many ways data can be looked at in your organization. 

Virtual and hybrid events was also a big topic of discussion in the webinar. These events can be another way to increase non-dues revenue, and you may not even realize it. For example, Ben reminded the audience that advertising, retargeting, and community sharing are all free or low cost factors to help increase attendance.

Upcoming Events:  

Ben is also featured as a host in the Actual Disruption Webinar Series which has featured guests from Cvent, Web Courseworks, BlueSky, Charity Engine, and more!

Season 2 Episode 1 is kicking off Thursday February 4th at 4:00pm; the hosts will be discussing ways to bring your website to the next level!  Click here to register to the event. 

Here’s a link to Season 1 if you want to get caught up.



Topics: Non-Dues Revenue, Webinar Series

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