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Leading Online Community Platform Provider Announces Client Driven Updates

Posted by Laura Dress on May 26, 2016 3:00:00 PM


In this month alone, Breezio has logged more than 156 hours of platform progress--50% more than company expectation. Breezio is making big changes with you at the forefront of their innovation.


1. Happening Now!

Perhaps one of the most pivotal features that is new to Breezio's community management platform is the 'Happening Now!' feature. The red swirling icon heading the right navigation menu, a long awaited game changer, is live. One click on the icon brings you to a stream of active posts, video conferences, views, and comments happening in your portal at that moment.


The feature was created with one goal in mind: make community engagement and collaboration more efficient and effective. By accessing the 'Happening Now!' page, you can jump in video conferences on content you have questions about or expertise in, quickly find exactly where the collaboration is happening to provide input and gather insight, and see exactly which of your peers is engaging in an environment of active collaboration.


2. Added Warning Messages

No one enjoys not being able to access content and navigate material without knowing why. Breezio's most recent update includes several warning message bars. You will receive a warning message that tells you Breezio's supported browser and devices which lets users know why content is not accessible when the system recognizes incompatibility.


3. Integrated Social Media

With the new profile fields that allow you to input social media information, you can now share your social network links from sites like Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, and Google Plus right within Breezio's platform. Now, you and those in your community can more easily make connections and access collaborators on multiple platforms even when you're not logged into Breezio.


4. New Privacy Settings

Found in account settings, there is an added drop down menu that allows you to customize your privacy. You can choose to put your account on 'Public', users can message you and see when you're in on a post, 'Invisible', users will not be able to see that you're online, or 'No Tracking', users cannot see if you are viewing content. These stratified levels of privacy cater your privacy specifically to your needs.


In addition to allowing for the customization of your Privacy Setting, you can also identify private content without having to jump through any hoops. If you have posted or are accessing private content, you will find a new lock icon next to the title of all private posts right within the main page of the content. Without having to open the file, you know exactly the level of privacy that article or video features.

5. It's the Small Things

During the month of May, Breezio has made smaller modifications to their platform as well--many of which may go unnoticed but will improve your ease of use drastically. Here's a list of a few of them:

First and foremost, there is improved messaging and handling for browsers that do not support video conferencing making the platform easier to use even on browsers without full functionality.

To improve the identification of users and admins, there are added 'Super Admin,' 'Admin,' and 'Editor' badges. You can now easily identify who has access to what capabilities by viewing the badges found under each user's profile.


With added Tool Tips for Ads and Flags, Admins can more effectively manage their online platform by flagging appropriate content and utilizing the space for relevant sponsor advertisements.

When Co-Authoring content, both the creator and the collaborator on the content can create tags to make their content more searchable and accessible.

Instead of the old up and down arrows, Breezio has changed the appearance of their Vote up and Vote down feature with thumbs up or down.


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Topics: Product release notes

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