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Content Ideas For Your Online Community

Posted by Kristina Toscano on Mar 31, 2021 4:31:50 PM


 Content Ideas For Your Online Community    Creating content is a necessary and integral part of business growth in today’s day and age. In order to stay relevant, increase brand awareness, and attract new customers, businesses and organizations must post on social media constantly. Organizations should always be looking for new ways to post content and interact with their audiences. 

     Although content creation can be a fun and interesting task, we know all too well that generating new ideas can be tough sometimes! For associations and non-profit organizations specifically, members and prospective members have certain information they look for in their online communities. What’s nice about Breezio, is there are several different ways to create content all within one platform, making content creation simple. Below, we have curated a list of some new content ideas that might inspire you and your members. 

Company Updates

A great way to communicate with your members is to post regularly about company updates. This can be about anything internally that you want to share. For example, if you hired someone new, share that with your following! Also, announcing new product roll-outs increases transparency in your organization.


Embedding polls into your community is an interactive and different way to engage your members. You can use polls to gauge their interests in certain topics or get feedback about the community. In Breezio, forms can be embedded in content, making this feature easy to use.

Webinar Videos

Posting webinars to your community showcases the great discussions your company has been a part of. If webinars are posted in your community, your members can comment and discuss the topics at hand. Partnering with other organizations and experts on these webinars can help your company gain exposure as well. 

Imported Articles

Bringing in excellent external articles and information can be helpful content fillers in your online community while providing interesting perspectives from different people. The Breezio platform allows for importing all types of content and allows for in-line commenting tools for collaboration as well.

Q+A Videos

For increased transparency, we have seen organizations host Q+A sessions where members can bring questions and concerns to leaders. These sessions are interesting, interactive, and encourage members to interact with content.

     We hope these ideas have inspired you to create meaningful content for your members to increase engagement. If you have further questions about content creation specifically in the Breezio platform, please contact us here!


Topics: Online Software, content creation, Member Experience

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